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Thoughts about teens, tweens, parenting and this adventure of living on Earth in the 21st century.

Annie Fox, M.Ed., is an internationally respected parenting expert, award-winning author, and a trusted online adviser for tweens and teens.

Love Power on Valentine’s Day and 24/7

February 12, 2016

You make my heart sing

You make my heart sing

David and I have been married since 1974. Yeah. Looooong time. Lots of opportunities to learn about the power of love to support, encourage, and embolden.

Any time you acknowledge how much you value the partnership you are in is time well spent. Sunday might a good time. Or not. But don’t take it for granted because, like a garden, if you stop taking care of things, the damn aphids will take over.

Ok, so here is a sampling of what I’ve learned about love in the past 41 years. Take what makes sense to you. Leave the rest. I hope it helps in whatever ways you need.

  1. It’s not about who you love, it’s about how.
  2. If it’s getting in the way of being together, as friends and lovers, talk about it and find a way through.
  3. Be totally trustworthy and require the same from your partner.
  4. Look for opportunities to ease your partner’s mind and tight shoulder muscles.
  5. From time to time, just clean up someone else’s mess without demanding an Olympic Gold Medal.
  6. Don’t cheat… ever.
  7. Be a safe person for your partner to show his/her vulnerability and strength.
  8. Nurture the romance and the friendship because the kids will grow up and leave.
  9. Find at least one thing, outside of the house, that you enjoy doing together and do it… regularly.
  10. Put down the damn digital devise and hold each other close.
  11. Bring home an occasional surprise treat as a “just because” gift of love.
  12. Anger comes in two varieties… the clean kind (I’m upset & here’s why) and the dirty kind (You ALWAYS do this!) Keep it clean.
  13. Be nice. Save the contempt for… actually, don’t save if for anyone.
  14. When your lover wants to talk about something that’s important to him/her (but not to you), stop and LISTEN with genuine interest.
  15. When a hug is given, hug back, no matter how crappy a mood you’re in. It’ll make you feel better.
  16. Even after years of being together, “Please” and “Thank you” are signs of caring.
  17. Keep a supply of dark chocolate on hand and share it.
  18. Cleaning up, doing laundry, shopping is just more fun when you do it together.
  19. If your lover is under the weather (or stressed over a work deadline) do more than your share around the house with a smile.
  20. If you notice your honey has spinach bits between teeth or (horrors!) a booger… speak up (discreetly, of course!)
  21. Say the words “I love you” like you really mean it. Yes, from time to time, we all need to hear the words.
  22. Fill up the gas tank because you know your partner needs the car tomorrow.
  23. Make eye contact and a smile when s/he walks into the room.
  24. Show how much you appreciate having him/her in your life. Not just on Valentine’s, but every day. Your kids learn about love and loving by the way you treat them and by the way you and your partner treat each other.

Enjoy your weekend.



Filed under: Parenting — Tags: — Annie @ 11:22 am

1 Comment »

  1. Terrific ideas, Annie!Number 14, like all your suggestions, is so important.

    Comment by Jean Tracy — February 13, 2016 @ 11:52 am

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