Our iPad app, "Be Confident in Who You Are: A Middle School Confidential™ Graphic Novel"
UPDATE: 4/13 Thank you to all who entered the Be Confident app Give-Away! Congratulations to our 2 winners: Himabindu Tummuru and Jeanne Demers!
For today only, in honor of my birthday and my 10,000th tweet I’m giving away 2 FREE copies of our new iPad app for 4th-8th graders: Be Confident in Who You Are: A Middle School Confidential™ Graphic Novel.
NOTE: This give-away is for iPad only. If you’ve got an iPhone (but no iPad) and long for the Be Confident app, hold that thought! In a few weeks we’ll be releasing a universal version that will work on iPad and iPhone/iPod.
SIMPLE CONTEST RULES: Recall a time when you crossed over from self-doubt to CONFIDENT. Use 140 characters or less to describe when you became AWESOME even if only for a moment. Tweet* it to @Annie_Fox Contest ends at 10 AM PDT on April 13th.
*If you don’t have a twitter account send your 140 character (or less) entry to me
Thanks and good luck!
When our speech dept. finally got the ok to have our own team leader I was encouraged to go for it. I knew it would be a big responsibility and stretch my comfort level. But I did it! It hilt up my confidence and felt great when other SLPs called ME for advice.
Comment by Cindy — April 12, 2011 @ 9:53 pm
Great story, Cindy! You went for it and you got there! I’m proud of you. Thanks for sharing your moment of confidence… though I’m sure you experience many of there. In fact, in your leadership position, you probably inspire confidence in others on a daily basis. :O)
Comment by Annie — April 14, 2011 @ 8:32 am
I move from self doubt to confident every day! It is an ongoing process and that is what I am teaching my almost 10 year old daughter. We have to talk about bullying situations EVERY DAY because that is how often it comes up at school. I am over the moon that you are going to be a resource for us when Elizabeth hits the tween & teen years! Gratitude!
Comment by Susan Kay Wyatt — April 22, 2011 @ 8:14 am