Annie Fox's Blog...

Thoughts about teens, tweens, parenting and this adventure of living on Earth in the 21st century.

Annie Fox, M.Ed., is an internationally respected parenting expert, award-winning author, and a trusted online adviser for tweens and teens.

This book is free so take it

October 1, 2009

Download 'The Teen Survival Guide' for Free

It's all about healthy relationships (the only kind worth having)

We launched TheInSite in June 1997. From Day One Hey Terra received relationship questions from tweens and teens around the world. Twelve years later the email keeps coming. Pretty amazing this Internets!

After a couple of years of responding to this stuff every day, I decided to write a relationship book for teens. Can You Relate? was published in 2000. It’s my take on how to create and maintain healthy relationships with everyone in your life, including yourself.  It got great reviews. Five years later it was re-released as The Teen Survival Guide to Dating and Relating. It went out of print in 2008.

David and I played around with the idea of reprinting it ourselves for sale. But then, last month, thanks to Chris Anderson‘s influence, I decided to give my book away as a FREE download. No strings attached. You don’t even have to provide your email address, though I am partial to dark chocolate so if you wanted to send me a Panther Bar I wouldn’t be insulted.

Giving things away for free is not usually the way companies like to do business. That’s why I’m giving a big shout out to Free Spirit Publishing for being so supportive of this wacky idea. Shows what cool people they are. Check out their website. They publish great books for kids, teens, parents and teachers.

Anyway, here’s the entire volume of Teen Survival Guide to Dating and Relating. Everything your tweens and teens need to know about about guys, girls, growing up, and getting along. Give it to them with my compliments. Hopefully they’ll read it and think about how the situations and the advice apply to them. They might even remember the stuff that resonates and use it someday when they need it.

One more thing, if you’ve got friends with teens or tweens, pass on the free download link to them. That’s what friends are for.


For Parents: Why Let The Facts Get in The Way?

September 19, 2008

We seem to be living in a time when only fools admire honesty and only naives are outraged when leaders cheat their way to the top and continue lying and cheating to maintain their power. I ought to know because I’m outraged all the time by what I read in the news. And the fact that I still believe that people in leadership positions ought to behave better… well, if that doesn’t prove that I’m both foolish and very naïve, nothing will.

Dishonestly rules, even when the prize is a few extra points on a math test. We’ve all heard of middle and high school students caught with test answers on their cell phones. Maybe you’ve also heard of parents who push back against school authority rather than use their child’s poor judgment as a teachable moment. Perhaps these same parents are the ones who, in the privacy of their homes, berate their kids – not for cheating, but for being careless enough to get caught!

We’ve got pitifully few examples of honesty in our elected officials. In fact, says Michael X. Delli Carpini, an authority on political ads at the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg School for Communication “… in the last two election cycles, the very notion that the facts matter seems to be under assault.” He goes on to say, “Candidates and their consultants seem to have learned that as long as you don’t back down from your charges or claims, they will stick in the minds of voters regardless of their accuracy or at a minimum, what the truth is will remain murky, a matter of opinion rather than fact.”

Is cheating, lying, and maligning your opponent the only way to “win” these days? If you choose not to go that route are you sap and, inevitably, a loser? Will the history books record your participation with a footnote, “An honest but failed attempt.”

Several years ago I worked for a company that produced after school enrichment curriculum. As part of my duties I spent time at conference exhibit halls displaying product and answering questions for the attendees, all of whom were educators… people who work with kids day in and day out. At the end of one long weekend, I packed up and discovered that several of our books had been stolen right from our booth. I remember the phrase spinning in my head, “They stole the books?! But they’re teachers! Teachers don’t steal!”

Surprise! Turns out some teachers do. Just as do many other adults who, in one way or another, seem to succeed very well thank you, by using a different moral compass than the rest of us foolish naives.

What in the world are we teaching our children about the value of speaking the truth and being trustworthy? Your thoughts?

P.S. I hope your daughters and sons have gotten off to a strong start this school year. If any of you are interested in giving the gift of self-confidence to a middle schooler in your life … Check out my new book series, Middle School Confidential™

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“Middle School Confidential” – Book 1 is Here

August 1, 2008

Middle School Confidential - Book 1: Be Confident in Who You Are

Middle School Confidential, Book 1: Be Confident in Who You Are

Writing books is a quasi-surreal endeavor to begin with. Writing a five-book series is more than strange. Middle School Confidential started with an inspiration, followed by some concepts, chased by a bunch of ideas. Then I spent several intense months figuring out how to get what’s going on in my mind to connect with the life experience of my readers (5th-8th graders). (All that before I even began Book 1!)

Finally I finished the first draft of the first book and sent it to my editor. He sent it back with some notes in places that needed revisions. I completed the additional work and sent it off again, which earned me a big editorial thumbs up.

Then after a couple of weeks of mental vacation, I started Book 2. So the process repeated itself.

Now it’s the first of August. I spent most of today working on Book 3. (Zip zip) On a mid-afternoon fresh air break I tripped over a box left on my front step by the guy in the brown truck. Opening it, I found a blast from my creative past… AKA Book 1 had arrived! There it was… in my hands, an actual real world book with my name on the cover and my photo in the back (in case I needed proof). Like I said, surreal, and smile-inducing. If you want a copy. Just let me know. Only $9.95. A bargain at half the price. ;O)

Filed under: Annie's Books,Announcements,Bookshelf,Teen Books — Tags: — Annie @ 10:24 pm
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