Annie Fox's Blog...

Thoughts about teens, tweens, parenting and this adventure of living on Earth in the 21st century.

Annie Fox, M.Ed., is an internationally respected parenting expert, award-winning author, and a trusted online adviser for tweens and teens.

Podcast: Talking with your kids so they’ll listen and open up

September 19, 2010

David McQueen

David McQueen, The Dave Mack Project

You don’t need me to tell you the road gets plenty rough during the teen years, for them and for us. 21st century parents frequently miss opportunities to take the lead and maintain meaningful connections with their tweens and teens. Of course, it’s not all our fault. Teens don’t encourage dialogue, at least not with us! But we can only change ourselves and we need to do a better job when it comes to really listening and trying to understand what’s going on with the young people we love most in the world. Because the lessons of intimacy we teach at home help our kids grow into adults with the confidence to discover who they ought to be.

When we miss those opportunities to connect, it’s not because we don’t care, it’s just that all of us (the kids too) are too busy to check in with each other. Sometimes reminders are needed.

My guest today is David McQueen and he’s here to provide some reminders. David is an educator, international speaker, and blogger extraordinaire. He empowers adults and youth alike on subjects such as leadership, careers and communication skills. Dave is also the founder of The Dave Mack Project, a teen empowerment movement that combines speaking, live events, social media and youth coaching for teens and those who work with teens.

For the last 22 years, Dave McQueen has reached over a million teenagers through  live speaking and workshops, on TV and online, with messages of empowerment about inhabiting the present and creating a brilliant future.

Listen to our conversation right here:

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If you have iTunes, you can subscribe to this podcast in the iTunes Store.

Or, you can download an MP3 version here.

Upcoming guests include:

Ronit Baras, author of Be Special, Be Yourself for Teenagers

Sean Buvala, author of DaddyTeller: How to be a Hero to Your Kids and Teach Them What’s Really Important By Telling Them One Simple Story at a Time

Dr. Karyn Purvis, co-author (with Dr. David Cross, Wendy Lyons Sunshine) of The Connected Child: Bring hope and healing to your adoptive family

Judith Warner, author of Perfect Madness: Motherhood in the Age of Anxiety and We’ve Got Issues: Children and Parents in the Age of Medication

Katherine Ellison, author of the memoir, Buzz: A Year of Paying Attention


Podcast: Single Mom Seeking Advice and a (Love) Life!

August 27, 2010

"The Complete Single Mother: Reassuring Answers to Your Most Challenging Concerns" by Dr. Leah Klungness, Ph.D.

Today, on this special two-part edition of Family Confidentialmy guests are Dr. Leah Klungness and Rachel Sarah co-founders of the popular website

Dr. Leah Klungness, aka “the Sanity Fairy”,  is a psychologist and recognized authority on single parenting and relationship issues. She is the coauthor of the award winning book The Complete Single Mother: Reassuring Answers to Your Most Challenging Concerns which is the only comprehensive and best selling self-help book ever written for single parents.

"Single Mom Seeking: Playdates, Blind dates, and Other Dispatches from the Dating World" by Rachel Sarah

Rachel Sarah, is an award-winning journalist and the author of the dating memoir Single Mom Seeking: Playdates, Blind Dates, and Other Dispatches from the Dating World. Rachel has written for Family Circle magazine, American Baby,, Huffington Post, and LifetimeTV. She’s also a contractor for

Whether you chose single motherhood or had it thrust upon you, these two powerhouse women have much wisdom and insight to share. Yep, Dr. Leah and Rachel Sarah are here to help. So while you have a rare moment to yourself, grab a cup of coffee, relax and have a listen to our conversation right here:

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If you have iTunes, you can subscribe to this podcast in the iTunes Store.

Or, you can download an MP3 version here.

Upcoming guests include:

David McQueen, international speaker empowering adults and youth alike on subjects such as leadership, careers and communication skills.

Sean Buvala, author of DaddyTeller: How to be a Hero to Your Kids and Teach Them What’s Really Important By Telling Them One Simple Story at a Time

Dr. Karyn Purvis, co-author (with Dr. David Cross, Wendy Lyons Sunshine) of The Connected Child: Bring hope and healing to your adoptive family

Judith Warner author of Perfect Madness: Motherhood in the Age of Anxiety and We’ve Got Issues: Children and Parents in the Age of Medication


Podcast: An End to School Bullying

August 16, 2010

"Gender, Bullying, and Harassment: Strategies to End Sexism and Homophobia in Schools" by Dr. Elizabeth J. Meyer, Ph.D.

My guest today on Family Confidential is Dr. Elizabeth J. Meyer, author of Gender, Bullying, and Harassment: Strategies to End Sexism and Homophobia in Schools.

Dr. Meyer, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Education at Concordia University in Montreal. A former high school teacher and coach, Dr. Meyer knows first hand what it’s like for students who’ve been targeted by other students. From her first days as a teacher fresh out of college, she empowered individual kids to deal with the fear, frustration, and isolation, until it dawned on her that real change can only come when a school’s culture changes.

While there have been countless studies of bullying and harassment in schools, none have examined the key gender issues related to these anti-social behaviors. In her book, Dr. Meyer does just that and offers readers tangible and flexible suggestions to help them positively transform the culture of their school and reduce the incidences of gendered harassment.

If you’ve got kids in school, you won’t want to miss my interview with Elizabeth Meyer. Listen right here:

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If you have iTunes, you can subscribe to this podcast in the iTunes Store.

Or, you can download an MP3 version here.

Upcoming guests include:

Dr. Leah Klungness and Rachel Sarah co-founders of Dr. Leah is the co-author of The Complete Single Mother. Rachel is the author of Single Mom Seeking: Playdates, Blind dates, and Other Dispatches from the Dating World.

David McQueen, international speaker empowering adults and youth alike on subjects such as leadership, careers and communication skills.

Dr. Karyn Purvis, co-author (with Dr. David Cross, Wendy Lyons Sunshine) of The Connected Child: Bring hope and healing to your adoptive family

Judith Warner author of Perfect Madness: Motherhood in the Age of Anxiety and We’ve Got Issues: Children and Parents in the Age of Medication


Podcast: The Immortality of Influence—Helping kids reach their full potential

August 8, 2010

The Immortality of Influence

"The Immortality of Influence: We Can Build the Best Minds of the Next Generation" by Salome Thomas-El

With the new school year just weeks away, I wanted to interview a superstar educator. Someone who could inspire every adult who lives or works with kids. And we all need inspiration and motivation from time to time, right? Because kids, especially tweens and teens, aren’t always easy to hang in there with. To find the right guest, I went to my local Inspiration and Resource Department (aka Twitter) and I found the man for the job — Salome Thomas-El. He goes by the name of Principal El and for 20 years he’s walked the walk by influencing his students and helping them reach their full potential. Know how he does it? By encouraging kids, non-stop. As Principal El puts it, “I keep letting them know that I believe in them until they’re ready to believe in themselves.”

Principal EL is a regular contributor on “The Dr. Oz Show.” He’s also the author of two best-selling books, I Choose to Stay: A Black Teacher Refuses to Desert the Inner City, about his teaching experience in Philadelphia, and his new book, The Immortality of Influence: We Can build the Best Minds of the Next Generation, which stresses the importance of mentoring, parenting and service to others.

Principal El has a life-long commitment to answering this basic question, “How do we ensure that every child achieves his or her greatest potential?” This question lies at the heart of the current national dialogue on education policy, the day in-and-day out work of school personnel, and the hopes of every parent.

As a parent, you are your child’s #1 Influencer. If you’re ready to have your batteries recharged for all the challenges the new school year will bring, then let’s talk about how to best use the tremendous influence you have with your children. Listen to my interview with Principal El right here:

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If you have iTunes, you can subscribe to this podcast in the iTunes Store.

Or, you can download an MP3 version here.

Upcoming guests include:

Dr. Elizabeth J. Meyer, author of  Gender, Bullying and Harassment: Strategies to End Sexism and Homophobia in Schools

Dr. Leah Klungness and Rachel Sarah co-founders of Dr. Leah is the co-author of The Complete Single Mother. Rachel is the author of Single Mom Seeking: Playdates, Blind dates, and Other Dispatches from the Dating World.

David McQueen, international speaker empowering adults and youth alike on subjects such as leadership, careers and communication skills.

Dr. Karyn Purvis, co-author (with Dr. David Cross, Wendy Lyons Sunshine) of The Connected Child: Bring hope and healing to your adoptive family

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