I don’t usually define something by what it is not, but in this seasonally inspired inquiry: “What makes a good mom?” I feel compelled.
A good mom is not a saint. While most saints were unswerving in their devotion, from what I know about saintly things (very little), not one of them was canonized specifically because of her selfless devotion to her own children. If St. Joan, for example, had been doing laundry, packing school lunches and checking this week’s spelling words would she have had time to take up Charles VII’s call to head up an army and relieve the siege of Orleans from English domination? Somehow I doubt it.
A good mom isn’t Superwoman. All of us are good at some of the things we do. Some of us are even great at one maybe two things. But no mom is good at everything. Not even your PTA president. Sure, she’s an attorney with an MBA. And who could miss that incredible wardrobe and the hair and nails? And yes, she’s got three beautiful, smart and oh-so-well-behaved kids, plus a hunky hubby who adores her. And yes, dammit, she bakes the most beautiful cupcakes ever. But even that woman must have limitations… somewhere.
A good mom isn’t necessarily a biological mother or even a woman. Mom-ness transcends biology. When you really cut into the core of what makes a good mom you find this:
A person who loves the child in his or her care and freely demonstrates that love in countless ways, for a lifetime– through a touch, a word, a look, a joke, a game, a plate of warm food, a cookie, a hug, a smile, a nod, a story, a toy, a warm and open invitation to be whoever you are. A mom communicates acceptance and understanding, support and encouragement in such a way that the child knows he or she is lovable. Through mom’s love, the child learns to love others.
Thank you, moms, for all you do to nurture the children you love.

Happy Mom’s Day
What a perfect definition for the best of imperfect moms! Hope everyone reads this, Annie.
Comment by Jean Tracy, MSS — May 9, 2014 @ 2:28 pm
Thank you, Jean. We’re all imperfect… no saints here. When we embrace our imperfections and actively show our kids that we are willing to learn from our mis-steps, then they recognize we humans (young and old) are a Work in Progress. Enjoy your day, my friend.
Comment by Annie Fox — May 11, 2014 @ 9:19 am