Annie Fox's Blog...

Thoughts about teens, tweens, parenting and this adventure of living on Earth in the 21st century.

Annie Fox, M.Ed., is an internationally respected parenting expert, award-winning author, and a trusted online adviser for tweens and teens.

I tweet therefore I am

September 23, 2009

twitter-logoIt took me a while to get Twitter. I thought, what’s the point of sending out 140 character blasts? I’m walking down 124th Street eating the most awesome peach raspberry gelato ever. Looks like my dog needs to poop. Damn didn’t bring a bag! Does the world need this info? Even if said world does, do I need to broadcast it?

But then David started doing some research on how professionals use Twitter to enhance their careers. I still didn’t get it. But David’s the guy who, in 1976, dragged me into the computer age, alternately biting, bitching and nodding off. Since that foray out of my comfort zone turned into a brilliant career move for us both, I decided to retract my claws long enough to hear him out.

That was in early August.

Now I’m a very happy tweeter, indeed. I’ve met some great people doing truly interesting and important work. I’ve learned to play nicely with them. So nicely, in fact, that last night I gathered together a few of my new twitter friends for a twitter chat. Don’t know twitter chat from channa chat? Simply, it’s a way to use Twitter tools to have a meaningful discussion in real time. We assembled a virtual panel of experts and for one hour we fielded parenting questions from the rest of Twitterland. It was a lot of fun and the parenting professionals put out top notch information. In case you missed it, I’ve reposted the “transcript” here.

Knock yourself out:

Annie_Fox I’m Annie Fox. I’m an author, who majored in tweens & teens. Panelists… tell us about yourselves please.

drdrrose I’m Dina Rose, a Food Sociologist, specializing in helping parents teach their kids to eat!

kidlutions I’m Wendy Young, child and family therapist. I deal w/behavioral issues/grief loss, etc

MarjieKnudsen I’m Marjie Knudsen, author, writer, child advocate, parent for over 23 years.

DianePMayer I’m Diane Peters Mayer therapist/writer working with kids and parents around anxiety, school anxiety and other issues.

ShapingYouth I’m Amy Jussel, former ad agency writer/creative dir; & Founder/Exec. Dir. of a nonprofit focusing on media/marketing/kids.

Parenting Question #1: How best to deal with 6yr old who often still doesn’t get to the toilet on time (#2’s) — says he doesn’t feel it??

MarjieKnudsen Magic bullet for my son, take him to bathroom and play with warm water in a bowl after he hasn’t gone. My son thought it was a blast and I am still amazed how well it worked. Others have tried it to and it worked! Only took 3 times doing this. Amazing. And he recognized feeling better.

kidlutions First off, stay calm cool as a cucumber. The less emotion you show, the better. Also start talking to him about “listening to your body.” Help him understand the signs that he might feel. He may be so preoccupied w/playing, that he ignores his body’s signals until it is too late. I LOVE Marjie’s FUN idea, too. Also, see if you can find a pattern in his BM’s and try to “plan” potty breaks around that time.

MarjieKnudsen Kids usually like to hide or go behind something when they have bm… watch for him to change locations.

RJTwoHomes Thanks, it’s normally when he’s busy & doesn’t want to stop what he’s doing. Not good at school as his gets embarrassed.

kidlutions Potty training is a HUGE battle of the wills! For some kids this is major. The less it affects you,the better

DianePMayer I agree with staying calm. You don’t want to create a will battle.

MarjieKnudsen I agree with staying very calm, no big reactions.

kidlutions That helps and the listening to the body thing will be HUGE.

Annie_Fox Anyone have any books/resources to recommend to about potty training?

MarjieKnudsen Well, there is the book, “Everybody Poops” … a classic now.

kidlutions A video from 12yrs that I used w/my kids…”It’s Potty Time”…has catchy songs…”YOU are a SUPER DOOPER POOPER”!

Parenting Question #2: My 5th grader is overwhelmed w/homework! Hate 2 see him struggle. 🙁 What should I do to help him?

Annie_Fox So hard to know how much to do FOR a 10 year old and when to step back and let him handle it.

DianePMayer I would set up teacher meeting to get idea of homework load. And breaking down the homework is the best way to reduce anxiety is to have child work for about 10-15 mins then take 5 min break, then 10-15 and so on. As child gains confidence they can up study time. Lots of my clients have success with this method.

MarjieKnudsen Rest brain by switching projects – research shows it works

kidlutions Break it into smaller segments and take “brain breaks”…let him get some movement in. Ever heard of “brain gym”? Those exercises are great!

MarjieKnudsen You’re right. Breaks help when they’ve been going at it too long.

ShapingYouth This is akin to the ‘Stressed Out Students’ project at #Stanford, so try Denise’s Clark Pope’s new site:

Annie_Fox Yes it is stressful for the kids and for parents. We hate the homework wars! Parents often ask me, “What can we do about the homework load?” Do parents have any power in this?

kidlutions I think parents can/should approach the schools about WAY too much homework. I read something recently that said approx. 15 mins per grade level. Anybody else see this?

DianePMayer I’ve seen 10 min per grade level.

kidlutions I have a 3rd grade teacher friend who tells parents, have them work for max 45 mins/send me a note of where they left off, etc.

Annie_Fox Have any of you found schools to be responsive to parents’ request to ease up on h/w?

MarjieKnudsen I know of parents in a Talented and Gifted program who got together and arranged the amt. of homework. They went from 2 hours a day down to 45 minutes maximum… the teachers agreed.

Annie_Fox I love hearing that! Kids & parents need down time in the evenings and weekends. Homework can be such a corrosive force!

kidlutions YES! I have seen kids in therapy SOOOOOO stressed out by 5th grade. Parents can start w/ teacher, go to principal, superintendent, and finally to school board, if needed. Just had a HUGE discussion on this on Facebook a few days ago…LOTS of emotion surrounding this.

DianePMayer I have kids streaming into my practice due to homework anxiety. I agree that parents need to advocate… and check out books like “The End of Homework.” by Etta Kralove and John Buell. And The Case Against Homework by Sara Bennett and Nancy Kalish.

Annie_Fox Thanks for those recommendations, Diane. Parents do need to advocate for their kids’… Too much homework is unhealthy. Besides, studies have shown that more homework doesn’t translate into better learning. Not after a certain point.

DianePMayer No it doesn’t and often destroys kid’s confidence

kidlutions Homework to understand concepts is one thing. Homework that is busywork a totally diff thing!

ShapingYouth Gr8 research/resources on hazardous hmwk/guidelines here:

kidlutions Parents should be armed w/the research that is being shared, and then approach teachers/admins/boards.

MarjieKnudsen Students who are successful are usually the ones who start out by engaging in something interesting to them. Pressure to be the best can destroy that feeling…as in too much HW

kidlutions And…what of kids that learn diff than by writing/rote memory? Hands on kids?
MarjieKnudsen Yes, Wendy. They stay more curious when they can use their strengths.

kidlutions I think at times, since kids are switching classes at an earlier age, teachers have NO idea how much homework the kids have. Support your child w/o undermining the teachers, etc.

MarjieKnudsen Talk to the teacher, and then keep going up ’til you get someone who will help. See counselor for help here.

Annie_Fox Bring it up at PTA mtgs.

MarjieKnudsen “Curious?” is an excellent book for parents from Psychologist Todd Kashdan

kidlutions Also, another book…Coloring Outside of the Lines… by Roger Schank.

Annie_Fox Encourage the school policy that teachers check w/each other about h/w loads. They all have the same students!

DianePMayer I also see teachers in my practice who complain about the curriculum–teaching to the test… they want to be creative in their work, but can’t. Worksheets don’t teach much at all–kids are bored, bored, bored!

Annie_Fox Bored kids get turned off to learning and often start acting out, making the teacher’s job that much harder! & less joyful!

ShapingYouth Yep. In a nat’l survey, students were asked to use 3 words to describe how they felt in school; “bored” followed by “tired”

Parenting Question #3: Our daughter’s best friend is now acting mean to her. Should I talk to the mom?

Annie_Fox That’s a tough one. Depends on how well the moms know each other.

drdrrose The question I would have is: how mean?

kidlutions First things, first. Since U won’t be there to handle every squabble daughter has, this is time to teach her how to be assertive and how to get her needs met. It is a gift to teach our kids HOW to navigate some of the not so fun social situations.

MarjieKnudsen In situations where I intervened and not…. when I have stayed out… it was always better. My girls are 19 and 23 now. Best to just ‘listen’ to girls’ feelings, repeat back worries to make sure you understand.. Give unconditional love and support.

kidlutions Send your daughter the msg that she can handle it, be assertive, stand up for herself, set limits. She may need lots of coaching. And always VALIDATE how it must be affecting the girl! Let her feel heard and understood!

Annie_Fox I love that message. But like the kid w/the homework overload, sometimes kids really are suffering and it can be nearly impossible for parents to stand back and let the kid handle things when it can appear that nothing is improving.

kidlutions Give her plenty of TLC and loving! Share times when you had similar things happen. Role play how to approach the friend.

MarjieKnudsen My girls always loved hearing similar situation stories!

MarjieKnudsen Marjie, I think that those stories of our own downfall, foibles, hurts and unfortunate circumstances are worth their weight in gold.

MarjieKnudsen Worked for me – discuss things you can change and not change… daughter will realize that she can let go, detach.

ShapingYouth Ironically, CNN just did a post on ‘when parents should butt in’ (I’m doing a followup re: peer/coaches/etc.)

kidlutions Now, if this is a “bullying” thing, that would call for diff tactics.

drdrrose Rachel Simmons’ book “Odd Girl Out” is a great resource to understand girl bullying.

Annie_Fox Yes, Dina! And Rachel’s got a new book “Curse of the Good Girl! Raising Authentic Girls with Courage and Confidence.” I think parents can help by staying calm and helping kids sort out what they can and can’t control in the situation. That’s what I see in my work. Girls would often rather get stomped on by friends than tell the truth about their hurt.

kidlutions In my practice, I have seen girls just break down sobbing when they start to share abt how “friends” have tx’d them. They never verbalized it before to anyone and once they say it out loud, it hits them like a ton of bricks!
DianePMayer Problem-solve together. Get her ideas–she’s not alone in this is the message.

Annie_Fox Friendship skills ought to be taught at school. Kids wouldn’t get BORED learning that!

kidlutions Yes…Annie, some schools are better at it than others. Some teachers R fab at it!

RJTwoHomes Imagine how powerful it would be if schools taught emotional intelligence!

kidlutions YES, YES, YES! At Head Start, we do! That’s a HUGE piece of my work w/them!

MarjieKnudsen Social and Emotional learning is becoming more widespread…. see Center for Social and Emotional Education (non-profit site) talk a lot about healthy school climate.

Annie_Fox Here’s a site reports on really innovative programs like social/emotional learning curriculum in action.

chrstinef Great conversation…I think it is about teaching parents how to be their child’s emotional coach

kidlutions That’s exactly what we ARE! Emotional coaches! Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the best predictor of our success in life, trumps IQ, how early we learn to read, etc.

CoachNancyP Differentiation b/w bullying & conflict is that bullying is to intentionally gain power over another.

DianePMayer Some schools offer circus skills clubs that include juggling, unicycle riding, etc. and teachers have reported less bullying from these kids, more teamwork plus other benefits

MarjieKnudsen Yes, I’ve heard of kids being taught to juggle to help alleviate anxiety too.

kidlutions A great READ…”How Full is Your Bucket: Positive Strategies for Work and Life” by Tom Rath. They have one for kids, too!

MarjieKnudsen Here’s another good one: Have you filled your bucket today?

CoachNancyP Here’s a post I wrote on “bucket-filling”

DianePMayer I’ve been working on my juggling and teaching it to anxious kids–it helps them. Article on circus curriculum on

Annie_Fox And maybe parents could learn to stop juggling so many things at once and model more mindfulness for kids. When teachers get it, and parents get it… they create school communities with happier, kinder kids.

ShapingYouth Yep, agree Annie; & media could reduce the ‘hype’ as well. Larry Magid has great perspective/context here:

RJTwoHomes It can be scary when we remember that children do as we do!

Annie_Fox They sure do!

Parenting Question #4: I’m expecting our 2nd child in Dec. My 4 yr. old already says she doesn’t want a new baby in the family. Help!

kidlutions Your four year old is to be commended for her honesty! Who would want to be displaced?

MarjieKnudsen Let them be involved as much as possible. Let them make choices, about anything related…. Picking out baby clothes, paint color for room, toys for baby. Let them pick them and try them out first.

kidlutions When I was expecting my 2nd and 3rd, I gathered my other kid(s) on my lap and told them a story about how every time a mom has a new baby, her belly doesn’t just grow, her heart grows, too so w/each new baby, mom’s heart gets bigger and there is ALWAYS, ALWAYS enough LOVE for EVERYONE!

Annie_Fox Lovely! Inclusion in the family process of getting ready for the new baby… excellent advice!

MarjieKnudsen My daughters are 4 yrs apart… everything was fine ’til baby came along… hardest part, make sure time for both.

kidlutions Start talking up what a special role she will have as a BIG sister, maybe make up a story book w/ her about how special BIG sisters are and how much they have to TEACH the baby…and that the baby will have soooooo much to learn from her.

Annie_Fox But mom should be realistic that it’s going to be a transition for the #1 child. It’s also OK if firstborn doesn’t love love love the baby 24/7. Too pressure for #1 child to be “perfect” Not helpful. Not real.

kidlutions Annie, yes, it WILL be a transition. I FELT it, before I delivered each new baby myself!

helpthiskid Buy a gift for the 4 year old from the new baby when he/she is born.

kidlutions YES! I did that for each of mine…and they STILL remember the gifts 15 years later!

ShapingYouth Recent piece on interchild relationships talks about ‘validating angry feelings’ of the sibling: +1 on 1 time

kidlutions On the flip side, mom can make 2 separate books w/1st born detailing all that a BIG sis can do to TEACH the baby and another book that allows BIG sis to “rant” and complain and say things she DOESN’T like about having a new baby!

DianePMayer I was just writing a post about this very thing. Older child has to know it’s ok that she doesn’t want that baby around–feelings have no limit, only behavior does.

Annie_Fox Feelings have no limitations, only behavior does Excellent way to phrase it! You don’t want to make any child feel “wrong” for being pissed off at the little intruder!

kidlutions Annie, LOL, totally not! 😉

iTwixie Let her get mad!

Annie_Fox Starting the new sib relationship off right is important. I often hear from tweens and teens who can’t stand their sibs. That’s sad to me… normal at times, of course.

MarjieKnudsen Sib relationships can be helped along by parent a great deal!

kidlutions Balance is the name of the game! Don’t expect her to be perfect. Validate anger, jealousy, and keep plenty of 1:1 time. Let her hear you tell baby, “Just a minute honey, I am helping your BIG sister!”

MarjieKnudsen Sibs not getting along is something to always deal with… works to ‘arrange’ surprise fun things when just them. Then they have these great funny, silly, dumb memories of things parents surprised them with… helps bond. Also, I surprise them together with something really silly… they get a laugh and bond together with the memory

Annie_Fox The hour really flew! Time to go. Thanks to all of you wonderful panelists. Let’s do this again soon. You guys rock! Tweet on!

If you like, follow me on Twitter. I tweet about parents, teens and tweens.

Filed under: Parenting,Technology,Tips — Tags: , , , — Annie @ 6:48 pm

Of course I’m listening! What did you say?

September 1, 2009


So connected and yet not



So connected and yet not

Good ol’ Mr. Rogers knew what he was singing about when he was putting on his sneakers: “I mean I might just make mistakes if I should have to hurry up and so I like to take my time.” When he was home, I’m sure his kids got at least the same level of attention as he gave his shoe laces. To his credit, that guy could really focus on one thing at a time.

Recently I’m becoming more aware of how cranky, stressed and distracted I get when I try to do a whole lot of stuff at once. So I’m trying to slow down and zero in. But it ain’t easy. Admittedly, as I’m writing this I’m also picking remnants of chewed almonds from in between my teeth, answering email, tweeting, and squinting at this sentence as I wonder how long it will take for the eyeglasses I left in our hotel room in Elko, NV to make their way back here. (Soon please!)

Tweens and teens constantly email me for advice. They say their parents “don’t listen.” Parents tell me the same thing about teens. We’d all like to improve parent-teen communication but we can’t do our part when we’re busy with six other things or even one other thing. (Same goes for improving communication between you and your honey-pie.)

Obviously you can’t always drop everything to listen to your child. But let’s be honest: not many of us do open-heart surgery or negotiate international crises at home. So when our kids want to talk, need to talk, we could take a break and focus on them if we choose to. But most of the time we keep doing whatever we’re doing and shift into an unconscious auto-listening thing (“Uh, huh. Uh, huh”).

Here’s why that’s a bad idea.

  1. It’s disrespectful. In a healthy relationship trust and respect have to flow in both directions. Want your kids to respect you? Then you’ve got to respect them. Auto-listening is rude.
  2. It’s not fooling them. Even toddlers have been known to turn Mom’s or Dad’s head to get their attention. If an 18 month old knows that no eye contact means you’re preoccupied, how can you hope to fake it with a teen? And why would you want to?
  3. You’re showing them that “other things” are more important to you than they are. You don’t really feel that way so why send that message? Your teens probably don’t get 100% attention from their teachers or their friends. Let them at least get it from you while you’re having a conversation.
  4. Auto-listening is poor modeling. Our kids don’t listen to us for a couple of reasons: a) they’re teens and they need to at least pretend to shut us out so they can build their own identity and  b) we haven’t spent enough time showing them what active listening looks and feels like. You can’t do much about their developmental need to shut you out, but making a real effort to listen (with eye contact, 100% of your attention, and an open heart and mind) teaches them to listen more attentively to you and others.

WARNING! Don’t assume an increase in real listening will eradicate all disharmony between you and your teen. (We’re working on communication here, not miracles.) But if you focus more on listening you can reasonably predict there’ll be less confusion about what was actually said in a conversation. That means less arguments studded with gems like: “I never said that!” “You never said that!” and “What are you talking about?!”

That’d be cool, right? Hello? Anyone there?

Filed under: Parenting,Tips — Tags: , , , , — Annie @ 7:27 pm

On becoming a more tolerant, patient human being (Damn it!)

August 18, 2009

Sometimes we all need a new perspective

Sometimes we all need a new perspective

Face it, the people we live with (and love and cherish more than life itself) can push our buttons like nobody’s business. (That expression never made much sense to me but I’ve always liked the sound of it.) This button-pushing fest can be especially competitive between parents and teens. They give us “that” look,“that” attitude, etc. etc. and we just lose it. And you don’t need me to tell you that we parents do and say things that irritate the crap out of our teens.

But who’s the adult here, right? It’s bad enough to blow up (or melt down) with our own flesh and blood, but when I think about what my “moments” taught my kids about self-control, conscious choice-making, and treating others with respect, well, I want to turn myself in to the bad parent police. OK, so no parent is perfect. And we all have gone off the deep end from time to time. We need to forgive ourselves in the same way that we forgive our kids when they act… crazy.

A new school year is about to burst forth with all kinds of never-before-seen challenges to our parenting chops. If you haven’t reached human perfection yet, you might want to try this simple process. It can help you be more of the parent you want to be more of the time. (i.e., especially when someone in your family is being soooooooo annoying!)

When a family member does or says something that grates on your nerves, ask yourself:
1. What’s going on with me right now? Irritation? Embarrassment? Frustration? Boredom? Resentment? Jealousy? Identifying what you’re feeling is the first step to understanding yourself and your reactions and taking those reactions off automatic pilot.

2.Why is this bothering me so much? We just may be least tolerant of those whose behavior reflect traits that we least like in ourselves. That’s something worth thinking about when a family member starts to drive you crazy.

3. What’s my usual way of responding? What are the usual consequences of my response? How do those help/aggravate the situation? Thinking clearly about your usual reactions can encourage you to explore other options. Especially if what you normally do just makes things worse.

4. What does this person need? That’s not often asked when people push your buttons, but if you can ask it and consider the possible answers, negative family dynamics may start to shift. For example, does this person (my son/daughter/partner) just need someone to listen to them and acknowledge their feelings? Sounds like what most of us want and need at different times. So the problem may not be what the person wants, but rather their inability to ask for it directly. If you can figure out what they want and you can provide some or all of it, you might find a) their “irritating” behaviors become less frequent, b) you feel more compassion and love towards them, and c) you feel good about having freed yourself from an unhelpful automatic response. Win-win.

Begin today. Talk honestly with your teens about the challenges all people have expressing our needs and responding to family members in conscious and compassionate ways. Share with them what you’ve learned about being part of a family. (The positive legacy and the not so.) Remind them that families are forever, but family dynamics are not carved in stone. Just because two people have always interacted in a certain way doesn’t mean they can’t change. With compassion and a willingness to be honest about your feelings and your needs, you teach your children that healthy adults can continue growing in positive directions. Bottom line, just like our teens, we parents are also works in progress.


Pass the sugar and some parental support

August 14, 2009

Tea and empathy

Tea and empathy

This morning my brilliant friend Jane had me over for breakfast. No, that’s not what makes her brilliant. Nor was it the impressive spread of eggs, fresh fruit and truly outrageous croissants. What makes Jane brilliant is that she knew the other invited parents needed community support. Why? Because each one had just dropped off a son or daughter at Freshman Orientation. What a great idea to bring parents together at the same tremulous moment their 14 year olds begin the last chapter of childhood!

I wasn’t there as a fellow freshman parent. Been there… twice. Four times if you want to count college. I was there as a parent who is 15 years ahead on the path. I’m happy and relatively sane which goes to show that my kids survived high school and so did I.  I was asked to speak for a few minutes. Here’s the gist of what I said:

Be the kind of parent you wished you’d had in high school. Now’s your chance to act on all those mental notes from your teen years. C’mon, you know what I’m talking about. They all started with “If I ever have kids, I swear I will never ______.”  Or “When I’m a parent I will let my kids  ________ .” OK, maybe all those things you wished your parents had done or not done don’t seem like such great ideas now that you’ve got teens, but maybe there are a few items in the areas of trust, understanding and respect that you’d like to incorporate into your parenting skill-set. What are you waiting for?

Tune in with less talk and more empathy. Teens really appreciate being  listened to. We all do. It’s a sign of caring and respect. When you consistently give it to them, you’re more likely to get it from them. They’re also more likely to be caring and respectful of other people as well.

Respect their privacy. You don’t need to know everything they’re thinking or feeling. They’re not 4 any more. Besides, the teen brain has dark, gunky corners. You probably don’t want to be privvy to all that’s in there. Nor do you need to be. Great parents are great because they respect boundaries with their teens while making it known through word, deed and attitude that they are (and always will be) on their kid’s side. 

Use your parenting network to support each other. No teen (or parent) gets through high school without hitting some bumps. Hopefully your kid’s won’t be the life-altering variety. But whatever they are, parents do better managing crises in their families and showing true leadership when they’ve got other parents to talk to. 

Keep your eye on the prize. Which is…?  A healthy relationship with your adult children after they’ve graduated from high school, college and launched themselves into a truly independent life. That’s something you should be working on every day starting now. How do you know when you’ve achieved it? Your adult kids call you just to talk. Or to get your opinion. Or to share a win. Or a loss. They enjoy coming home and they willingly help out while they’re there. They have grown up. They’re on their own. They honor your parenting with the choices they make. And while they love and respect you, they do not need you. And knowing that makes you very happy. 

I could have gone on, but my tea was getting cold.

If you like Jane’s idea why not talk it up with the parents in your circle? This kind of gathering works for parents of first day kindergartners, first day 6th graders… you get the idea.
So. Go. Talk amongst yourselves.

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