Annie Fox's Blog...

Thoughts about teens, tweens, parenting and this adventure of living on Earth in the 21st century.

Annie Fox, M.Ed., is an internationally respected parenting expert, award-winning author, and a trusted online adviser for tweens and teens.

Friday the 13th – Luck off!

September 13, 2013

Friday the 13th. An unlucky day? I’m not so sure.

You know the story of the Chinese peasant farmer whose only son was thrown by a wild horse and badly injured? Downright unlucky, wouldn’t you say? The farmer’s wife thought so. She was beside herself lamenting the family’s misfortune. Neighbors gathered to commiserated, “How unfortunate!” they said. The injured son’s response was not recorded, but the farmer was philosophical (as fictional peasant farmers often are) “Fortunate or unfortunate. I don’t know. Let’s wait and see.”

Two days later the Emporer’s soldiers came by with orders to draft all able-bodied men into the army. But because the farmer’s son was still nursing several broken bones, he got a pass. The farmer’s wife was ecstatic. “How fortunate we are!” The neighbors, most of whose sons had been conscripted, once again agreed, “Yes, you are very fortunate.”

But the farmer, wasn’t ready to weigh in. All he said was, “Fortunate or unfortunate. Don’t know. Let’s wait and see.”

Maybe you get where this is going. If you want to take the trip anyway read the rest of the story.

Brownies?! How lucky!

I don’t believe in luck. Stuff happens. We can’t know how it’s going to turn out.
Like today, for instance: My neighbor called to ask me to please take in her mail while she’s away. I said, “Sure thing.” And she probably thought, “How fortunate!” To show her gratitude she said, “I’ve just made brownies. On our way out, I’ll leave some inside your gate.” I thanked her and thought, “How fortunate!” And that’s all I thought, until…..

Some time later, my writing was interrupted by a CRUNCHING sound coming from the living room. I continued writing until a moment later when the sound intruded a second time. Upon investigating I found Gracie, our 5 month old puppy, chomping on a plastic lid. I got it away from her thinking, “Lucky I heard that. She could have swallowed those piece!”

As I was tossing out the bits of chewed up Tupperware I realized where little Gracie snagged that lid from. Racing downstairs to the gate, I saw… nothing in the spot where the brownies should have been!

Yikes! Dogs. Chocolate. Toxic. Double YIKES!!

It is now about 2 and a half hours later. Our puppy made a trip to the vet, where vomiting was induced. Then they gave her another drug to stop the vomiting. Plus intravenous fluids to keep her hydrated. The vet said she ate a lot of chocolate and it was a really good thing… a very fortunate thing, that I quickly put dog+chocolate together and got EMERGENCY.

Is it unfortunate that we’re not eating brownies for dessert tonight? I don’t think so.
Gracie is fine, so we’re fine.
Happy Friday the 13th.

Filed under: Parenting — Tags: , , — Annie @ 2:37 pm

Help your kids get from school stress to calm and confident

September 10, 2013

Last month I had a great opportunity to chat and practice visualization with parenting coach Heather Chauvin. She shared a bit of what she knows about school stress so parents can help their kids (and themselves) manage anxiety at the start of the school year and all throughout.

Watch this 18 minute video then use Heather’s practical and helpful tips to ease your kids’ anxiety levels and teach them to calm themselves at home or at school. Oh, yeah, and it works for adults any time we’re feeling off-balance.


Urgent message to tweens and teens: Do something to stop the hate

September 5, 2013

Let me tell you something, kids. It’s easier to think about bullying as something “out there” that someone else is doing. It’s easier to think of yourself as a nice girl or a good guy. That kind of thinking may be easy, comforting even, but it’s wrong. The urge to shut someone up or down, to make them sorry for what they’ve done, is in every one of us. Not an inspiring thought. Nothing to be proud of. But it’s true.

She'll be sorry...

When you’re jealous because someone you love loves someone else more, or you’re embarrassed because someone called you out in front of everyone… you feel so angry you want to do whatever it takes to bring down the people who hurt you. So you attack them with a fierce hate that you hope will draw blood. And if you make your victim cry, scare him or her so badly they’re afraid to ride the bus or step inside the lunchroom, you might feel powerful… for a moment. But that’s not who you are. And it’s not even close to where your true power lies.

We wish there was no bullying in school. Nice thought. And how do you think that’s going to happen? Hint: It’s got nothing to do with changing other people.

Filed under: Parenting,Teaching Kids To Be Good People,Teens — Tags: , — Annie @ 10:47 pm

Mom, Daughter and the Art of Button-pushing

August 26, 2013

Unless you’ve got like 40 years experience in meditation, you’re going to get your buttons pushed. When we lose it, it’s usually because other people can be so annoying. If everyone else just got it together and met our personal standards of perfection, we’d be happy. C’mon universe, is that too much to ask? Guess so, because the universe doesn’t seem interested in making any of us happy all the time. Which kinda sucks. But there’s a creative challenge in there that’s intriguing. It’s about figuring out how to find our own peace of mind… even when other people are so… you know.

Mom has lost it... again

A girl was having a rough time with her mom and wrote to me for advice.

Teen: A few years ago I lied to my mom and told her I was getting a B in French when I was getting a C. She still says she can’t trust me even though I’m a good student. Mostly A’s and a few B’s. I want to prove to her that I am trustworthy and I want to stop us fighting so much. More recently our fights seem to be bigger and scarier and I’m surprised she hasen’t hit me because often she’s so angry she can only stutter. All her brothers and sisters joke how out my mom has an anger problem. (It’s true!) I know she has my best interests at heart but I need her to back off a little and stop being so critical. I’m scared we’ll have a horrible relationship when we are older because of this useless fighting!

Annie: This sounds like the unhappy relationship my mom and I had when I was a teen. Part of what’s going on here is probably normal: Teen girl starts to grow up, expresses her individuality and mom feels uncertain about how to relate to this emerging young woman. Seeing our kids as young adults reminds parents that our “job” has changed. We don’t have the same level of control over our kids’ lives. That can be scary for parents, though it sounds like you know how to make healthy choices (aside from lying about your French grade).

It takes two people to have a fight. Since you can not control your mom’s behavior try to get more control over your own. If she starts complaining or arguing what might happen if you don’t get all worked up in response?

Teen: I have never shouted back at my mom, I usually just sit there and stay calm while she yells- hoping that she will stop soon! I try not to let her anger get to me- but I think that could be something that annoys her, the fact that I don’t really show angry/mad/sad emotions. Maybe she feels like she has to yell extra long and loud to make a point.

Annie: You want more independence to make your own decisions without feeling negatively judged by your mom. And in a few years you will have that independence. The real challenge is “How do we co-exist in a more peaceful way, until then?” Have you ever talked with any other adults in your family about the challenges you’re having with your mom?

Teen: I’m close to my dad. He’s definitely more relaxed than my mom about all this growing up/girl stuff, but usually he doesn’t take sides. Wise man! What can you recommend that would help my relationship with my mom?

Annie: Slow deep breathing (AKA re-centering) whenever you feel tempted to “engage” in her negativity. Check out  The Breathing Challenge. It is a challenge not to get stressed when the people around you are!

Also, try opening up to your dad and tell him how much you want a healthier relationship with your mom. Ask for his help in talking to her. Perhaps some calmly worded feedback from your dad would make your mom aware of how her behavior is contributing to the arguments. So talk to your dad and practice breathing. OK?

Teen: OK- thanks a lot Terra, I think I will be able to handle these situations with my mom better in the future.

Filed under: Parenting,Teens,Tips — Tags: , , , — Annie @ 4:35 pm
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