Annie Fox's Blog...

Thoughts about teens, tweens, parenting and this adventure of living on Earth in the 21st century.

Annie Fox, M.Ed., is an internationally respected parenting expert, award-winning author, and a trusted online adviser for tweens and teens.

We’re all working moms and some of us get paid

June 9, 2014


Can someone give me a hand? I've run out!

Can someone give me a hand? I’ve run out!

Today we’re talking about working moms, which, of course, includes all moms whether we’re on a payroll or not. Wiping snotty noses is work. So is helping with homework, especially if it’s hard. Each day we show up and put our hearts into everything we do for our families. Yay, us! Now can we please have Mother’s Day at least once a month? Cause, dammit, I deserve it, and you do too!

So, we are all working, but let’s imagine, just for the next few paragraphs, that “working mom” means working outside the home. Maybe with a commute and a special wardrobe. Of course, each family is unique, but there is one challenge shared by all working moms– the need for more time. No, let me rephrase that. It’s not lack of time. (Though 20 more minutes to soak in the tub with the door locked would be nice.) According to Dr. Portia Jackson, bona fide rocket scientist (for real), founder of, and this week’s guest on Family Confidential, “Even if we had 30 hours in a day we’d still find things to fill it up with. So it’s not just lack of time, it’s using your time wisely.”

Amen, sister! Managing time wisely rewards us with bonus time to breathe, and smile, and sort Legos by color… without rushing.  Wouldn’t it be nice not to rush around? Portia agrees and promises this “not rushing” state is actually attainable… in your lifetime! Here’s her advice: Quit trying to do it all. You can’t. No one can. Successful working moms who can relax and be at home when they are home, know how to delegate.

Intrigued? Then go ahead and delegate whatever you were going to do next, pour a cup, put your feet up, and listen in on my conversation with Portia Jackson. You so need this.


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