Annie Fox's Blog...

Thoughts about teens, tweens, parenting and this adventure of living on Earth in the 21st century.

Annie Fox, M.Ed., is an internationally respected parenting expert, award-winning author, and a trusted online adviser for tweens and teens.

Sometimes less independence is a good thing

July 1, 2013

Last June our sweet Josie dog died at age three. Ate something on a hike in the woods. Gone 30 minutes later.

A part of me broke that day. Stayed badly broken for six months.

Then the healing began and the yearning… for a dog. But we held off because being dog-less has its perks. No mandatory walks in the rain. No Poop Patrol in the backyard. No ticks. No need to vacuum. (OK, we still vacuum, but not because we’re blanketed in dog hair). And no date night worries “Is the dog OK?” Still wanted a dog because well, I need to nurture and plants don’t wag.

So this Independence Week I say, it’s possible to want less independence. David and I have been coming and going as we please for a year but that ended last Friday, New Puppy Adoption Day. With the help of the wonderful folks of Copper’s Dream, we rescued 3 month old Gracie from a shelter in rural California. Now she’s home, with us.

We’re less independent but more whole.

Say, "Glad to be home, Gracie!"


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