Annie Fox's Blog...

Thoughts about teens, tweens, parenting and this adventure of living on Earth in the 21st century.

Annie Fox, M.Ed., is an internationally respected parenting expert, award-winning author, and a trusted online adviser for tweens and teens.

An appointment with the Teen Doc

June 23, 2014

I’ve always beenimages-1 drawn to people who help people… especially if those they help are kids. Dr. O (aka @TheTeenDoc) is the medical doctor at the head of Teen Clinic in South San Francisco. For that alone she has my deep admiration and respect. In addition to prescribing treatment for the body she also administers to the heart and soul of her young patients. For this she has won a place in my heart’s Heroes Gallery.

I connected with Dr. O on Twitter. Two minutes into our conversation I knew  I wanted her as a guest on my Family Confidential podcast.

Two weeks ago we talked for 20 minutes about her work. We shared personal experiences and insights about kids and mentors. We also laughed a lot. I’m grateful to have recorded this conversation and proud to share it here. Listen to Dr. O talk about how she  uses empathy to connect with the kids in her clinic. You’ll be glad you did because her words and ways will inspire to do the same with the kids in your life.


Apps schmapps! Where’s the educational value?

June 18, 2014

We're having so much fun we're learning without thinking about it

We’re having so much fun, we’re learning without thinking about it

I was an app developer before there were apps. Back in the dumb-phone age I designed and scripted CD ROM games for kids. I’m also a teacher.  So I want activities to have some… you know,  redeeming value. Otherwise, why waste a child’s time? They’ve got so many connections to make between themselves and people and the natural world. They’ve got to learn to navigate, explore their interests. They also need to find their passions and develop the skills to pursue them.

Sounds like serious work, but I’m no tiger mom. I laugh a lot. I need to play. Kids need that too. And just like any child, when I’m learning, I have to feel engaged.  So who gets to decide what engages children while they learn? Parents? Teachers? Or… Read on….

Filed under: Parenting — Tags: , , — Annie @ 9:34 am

From Harold and the Purple Crayon to Caine’s Arcade

June 13, 2014


Imagination inspiration

In 1955, when Harold and the Purple Crayon was first published, lots of kids (including me and my brothers) sat too long on their fannies in front of the television set. Maybe author Crockett Johnson had some TV addicted kids of his own. So he wrote a story about a little boy who creates a big adventure using only an oversized crayon and his imagination? 1950’s parents made it a best seller, hoping it would inspire their kids to unplug from the screen and be creative! The book is still in print and 21st century parents are still hoping the same.

Summer should give kids a break from prescribed learning and an invitation to use their imagination. Instead, they often settle into a predictable routine of screen time. As an app developer I know there are loads of creative apps for kids, but often the most creative playtime involves no tech. Ask Harold and his 21st century real-life counterpart… Caine.

Cardboard+Imagination= Infinite possibilities+FUN

Cardboard+Imagination= Infinite possibilities+FUN

A couple of summers ago Caine went to work each day with his dad who owns a used auto parts shop in East Los Angeles. There wasn’t much for Caine to do, but there were plenty of cardboard boxes. So Caine decided to use his imagination and his hands to create his own fun. Watch Caine’s Arcade with your kids (a 10 minute film) and check out my Family Confidential podcast this week: Imagination Rocks and learn about the Global Cardboard Challenge.  Then talk about how your family can make this your most creative summer ever.


Don’t fill your emptier nest with tears

June 11, 2014

I originally wrote this article for my pre-blog parenting newsletter. I could lie and say I’m reposting it by popular demand but the truth is: I wanted a graduation themed post and this one, 6 years later, is still spot on. Ask Gayle.

Prepare for take-off

Prepare for take-off

“I’ve been hugging her a lot,” my friend Gayle said when I asked how she was dealing with her college-bound daughter’s imminent departure.

“Savoring the moments,” I nodded. “Nice.”

“I wouldn’t put it that way.” Gayle cut to the chase. “After dinner she said she was taking a shower and I just couldn’t control myself.”

“Did you follow her into the bathroom?”

“Worse. I threw my arms around her and held on so tight she couldn’t move. I’ve been doing that a lot lately. Pathetic, huh?”

“Not so much,” I reassured her. “She’s your only child. She’s been your focus for 18 years. What you’re feeling is totally understandable. She’s leaving home.”

At the “L” word, Gayle winced, but I plunged ahead. “You and Ben have done an incredible job raising her. She’s intelligent. Kind. And if she wasn’t self-confident she wouldn’t want to go to college 3,000 miles away.”

Mentioning the distance caused Gayle’s face to contort.

“Sweetie, you’ve got to refocus some of this energy into something new, because if you don’t, you’re both going to be really unhappy during your last summer together.”

Oops. That did it. Gayle eyes welled up. Sigh. Kids grow up. And if that’s not one of the toughest facts of life, what is?

Gayle knows I understand. After all, I’m a mom, though the genetic evidence is far away at the moment. Our daughter’s trekking around Cambodia and our son is teaching in Malaysia. But even when they complete their adventures they’re not coming home due to the simple fact that they don’t live here anymore. No, we didn’t kick them out. Nor did they leave in a huff. They just went ahead, thumbed their noses at Peter Pan, and grew up.

Did you catch the fine print on your child’s birth certificate? It read: “You’ve got just 18 years to prepare this child to become a fully-functioning independent adult who can make their own lunch and have their own life. Good luck. Time starts… NOW!”

That’s the mission we signed up for. And no amount of nostalgia for bedtime snuggles or Saturday morning soccer games will bring back those fun times. Did we love being the center of their Universe and the source of their comfort and encouragement? Absolutely! Do I sometimes miss it when I see a mom or dad walking hand in hand with a toddler? Yep! I’m also unashamed to admit that I sobbed like a deranged woman after dropping off each of our kids as a college freshman. But I pulled it together quickly because I’d already opened a window in my life while they were growing up. So when they started their new chapters… I had more time for mine. While everyone’s new chapter is completely and wondrously different, I can happily report that as our nest has gotten emptier… my life has become fuller.

In case you’re wondering, our loving, smart, and spirited little girl and her equally awesome little brother, are still all that. They’re out in the world, living their lives. And they check in with us regularly for a sweet taste of “home” which is always right here for them in large helpings.

If your teen is leaving for college this fall, congratulations for the support you’ve provided toward her reaching this milestone. As an acknowledgement gift, here are some tips for your next chapter. If you’re not there yet, these tips will help you continue preparing for your emptier nest.

Tips — Preparing for an Emptier Nest

  • Create some new goals — What would you do with at least one extra hour a week just for yourself? Learn something new? Tackle a creative project? Set a professional goal? Make the goal important (to you) and get started now. If you chose well, working on your goal will sustain you on many levels when your child leaves the nest.
  • Make some new friends — The friends of most parents are the parents of their kids’ friends. But looking ahead as a parent with grown-up kids, it makes sense to nurture some “non-kid-centered” friendships. Following your own interests (see above) can connect you with new friends who share those interests.
  • Revitalize your relationship — If you’re lucky enough to have a significant other, talk to him/her about “Our life as a couple, post-kids.” Support each other’s feelings about the inevitable changes. Discuss ways you can improve communication. Schedule fun time together. Hopefully you’ll rediscover what’s at the core of your relationship and create a healthy new chapter.
  • Re-focus on your social life — If you’re single and interested in dating, but haven’t as yet because of parenting obligations, now may be the time to start letting friends know that you’re “looking” again.
  • Call a family meeting — Do it before graduation and give everyone an opportunity to talk honestly about this big change. How does each family member feel about “Josh” going away? Talk about opportunities for everyone in the family to stay connected to the new college student and to each other.
  • Avoid over-parenting your younger children — It won’t make you miss “Josh” less and it’s very likely to cause push-back from your at-home child. Of course you need to continue parenting, but redirecting all of your energy toward your younger kid(s) spells trouble.
  • Be aware of the emotional impact on siblings — Without the older one as a parental buffer and confidante, younger one(s) may feel off-balance and too much on their parent’s radar screen (see above). Encourage siblings to talk about their relationship before graduation and what the separation is going to mean and how they can stay updated on each other’s lives.

I checked in with Gayle yesterday to find out how she was feeling after our talk. Here’s what she had to say:

“Right now I’m really excited—for her and us. Obviously, that fluctuates day-by-day, moment-by-moment. She’s a great kid and I’m very lucky to have her in my life. I’ll continue to have her in my life, but in a very different way. I do my best to celebrate that.”

Gayle rocks!

In friendship,

Filed under: Parenting — Tags: , , , — Annie @ 4:52 pm
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