February 28, 2013
As a published author, of course I know about book tours. Not that I’ve ever actually been on one, but I’ve attended other authors’ events at Book Passage. So, yeah. I understand the concept. What I didn’t get, until recently, is “What’s a blog tour?” Turns out it’s pretty much the same thing as a book tour without the books, the bookstore, or the fans eager to buy an autographed copy.
 Not all teachers are parents, but all parents are teachers
Since I’ve got a new book I’m rather proud of and zero publicity budget, starting today, I’m on the (virtual) road with the Teaching Kids to Be Good People Blog Tour (Feels like we need a theme song. I’ll work on it.) At each of the nineteen stops along the tour, there is no stump speech. You, my dear readers, will be treated to totally new and thought provoking content to help us 21st century parents raise nice kids who also do good in the world.
Here’s where you can find me and when:
 I know it's a virtual tour, but I want this bus!
Teaching Kids to Be Good People Blog Tour Itinerary
Got the T-shirt:
February 28 – Suzanna Narducci’s blog at TweenParent.com
February 28 – Heather Chauvin’s blog (video interview)
March 5 – Kelly Hirt’s blog My Twice Baked Potato
March 7 – Jean Tracy MSS’ Parenting Skills Blog
March 10 – Jeanne Demer’s The Ruby Books
March 16 – Rick Ackerly’s blog at Genius in Children
March 18 – Margit Crane and Barbara Dab’s Good Enough Parenting Radio Show
March 18 – Sharon Silver ‘s blog at Proactive Parenting
March 19 – Families Magazine Southwest (UK)
March 20 – Sue McNamara at 6seconds.org
March 21 – Kristen Ploetz’ Little Lodestar
March 27 – AK Stout & Deb Evans‘ Social Geek Radio 6 pm (PT)
March 28 – Bruce Sallan’s #DadChat “Doing the right thing is good karma” (on Twitter) 6 PM (PT) Enter TweetChat room
March 29 – Lynnee Jimenez’s ClubChicaCircle.com
April 1 – Melissa Wardy’s blog at PigtailPals
April 8 – Keith Rispin’s Parenting Old School blog as well as Keith’s Ed Tech blog
April 15 – Carrie Goldman’s blog Portrait of an Adoption
April 19 – Sarah Newton’s blog at Sarah Newton.com
April 29 – Dr. Laura Markham’s blog at Aha Parenting
A big thank you to all my blog tour hosts. These are top-notch folks. All of them are authors, educators, clinicians, and/or parent coaches who do truly excellent work supporting kids, parents, and families. I’m honored to be on the same team with each of them and I encourage you to explore their books and services. We’re all here together to help each other as we help our kids.
OK, the blog tour starts now. Wait!! How’s my hair look? Oh, right. It doesn’t matter. :O))
Happy Parenting! (And if you feel the urge, please sign the guest book.)
 We're in this together!

December 28, 2012
 FREE download for December 28-30, 2012, ''Teaching Kids to Be Good People'' by Annie Fox, M.Ed.
Today (12/28) through Sunday (12/30), we’re giving away the Kindle version of my new parenting book Teaching Kids to Be Good People: Progressive Parenting for the 21st Century.
No Kindle? No problem. Download the ebook anyway because you can read it just fine on your PC, Mac, iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry, and Windows Phone 7 with Amazon’s free Kindle Reader app.
Not in the US? Here are the Amazon links for Canada, UK, Australia, Brazil, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain
Please accept this ebook as my gift to you and your family. Interested in the print edition? Learn more here.
Best wishes for a happy, healthy New Year, from our home to yours.

October 18, 2012
 FREE download for October 18-19, 2012, ''Teaching Kids to Be Good People'' by Annie Fox, M.Ed.,
My new parenting book Teaching Kids to Be Good People: Progressive Parenting for the 21st Century is receiving enthusiastic reviews. (Always so gratifying after all that work!) To celebrate the book’s launch, and to thank you for your support and ongoing interest in my work…
It’s a gift. No Kindle? No problem! Take the gift anyway. You can read the book just fine on your Mac, PC, iPod Touch, iPad, iPhone, Android, Blackberry, and Windows Phone 7 with this free Kindle Reader app.
I’m confident Teaching Kids to Be Good Peoplewill become an inspirational guide for socially conscious parents and teachers everywhere. Please accept my gift to you and your family.

October 4, 2012
 A very personal, practical, funny guide to challenging the culture of cruelty
The gestation, labor, and heavy pushing are over! On October 3rd at 4:12 PM Teaching Kids to Be Good People was born, you can get your own Kindle version of my book right here. No Kindle? No problem! You can read the book just fine on your Mac, PC, iPod Touch, iPad, iPhone, Android, Blackberry, and Windows Phone 7 with this free Kindle Reader app. Or you can get the print edition here.
Why does anyone write a book? Serious writing can I can seriously tie your brain in knots so why go through that? I can only speak for myself. Part of it is for the glory. (I’m being honest because it’s the only way I know how to write.) When I hold one of my book and I read (great) reviews, I’m thrilled. And for that moment, I’m proud of what I’ve produced. I’m feeling that way now.
After 15 years of answering teen email, I’m convinced that many kids are missing the piece that motivates them to do the right thing. When their education primarily comes from their equally clueless peers, they’re in trouble. And so are we all. That’s why I wrote the book and why you need to read it. Our kids need us to help them develop a moral compass. And we need to do a much better job teaching them how.
Not all teachers are parents, but all parents are teachers. That’s convenient since positive character traits are teachable skills that need to be learned at home as well as at school. When we teach kids to be good people, we help the world become a safer, saner, more accepting place for all of us.
How do you define a “good person?” That’s precisely what I wanted to find out, so I crowdsourced the answer from hundreds of parents, therapists, counselors, educators and teens. Eight concepts kept reappearing in their thoughtful replies: Emotional intelligence, ethics, help, forgiveness, compassion, empathy, acceptance, and social courage—all essential, teachable skills. Teaching Kids to Be Good People will help you teach these skills to your children and/or your students. Hopefully, you will become so engaged in this process that you will inspire all the kids in your life to consciously choose to be kinder to one another.
I think of it as doing my bit for world peace. Does that work for you?

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