Annie Fox's Blog...

Thoughts about teens, tweens, parenting and this adventure of living on Earth in the 21st century.

Annie Fox, M.Ed., is an internationally respected parenting expert, award-winning author, and a trusted online adviser for tweens and teens.

#14: Inauguration Day Part 1 – WE are here

January 20, 2009

Crowds filled the entire Mall, with estimates of close to 2 million. We were about a mile from the actual proceedings. (Click photo for larger view - Jewel Samad-AFP/Getty Images)

Crowds filled the entire Mall, with estimates of close to 2 million. We were about a mile from the actual proceedings. (Click photo for larger view - Jewel Samad-AFP/Getty Images)

We left our hotel this frigid morning by the light of the crescent moon. 22 degrees at 5:02. Finally the Big Day had arrived and we were jazzed.

When we returned 14 hours later, the temperature had only warmed up to 25. (Just kidding, it actually peaked at 30 out there on the National Mall).

Those of you who watched the Inauguration on TV are probably wondering “What was it like to be there?” There’s a whole lot to tell about and I want to… I set up this whole blog project just so I could! But, honestly, it will probably take at least a day for me to begin formulating my thoughts, feelings, impressions, and questions. So the short answer to your question is “It was AWESOME!!!!”

Like one young man had written on the back of his T-shirt: “We’re freezin’ for a reason!”

He got that right! And I’ve gotta get some sleep. I promise tomorrow I’ll blog more about what happened. In the meantime, here are a few pix from this amazing day in American history:

Crammed into the Metro with 2000 others. It took us about three hours to get to DC.

Crammed into the Metro with 2000 others. It took us about three hours to get to DC. Normally it takes about 1/2 an hour.


Three Obamas walk to the National Mall.

Three Obamas walk to the National Mall.


Celebration the moment President Obama was took the oath of office.

Lots of emotion the moment President Obama took the Oath of Office.

Much more about the inauguration later. Suffice it to say that we are SO pleased, proud, relieved, inspired, delighted, and hope-filled because of our new President. The man is a once in a lifetime leader and America and the world needs him desperately.

Filed under: Inauguration,Politics,Teens — Tags: , , — Annie @ 7:27 pm
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